Land Mermaid


One of the first projects I ever undertook was for a coworker/friend, McKenzie. I am notorious for quoting television shows and movies and among the tops is Parks and Recreation. McKenzie and I were on the same team almost since my first day and after some time working together, I recognized my friendship/affection for her to be eerily close to Leslie Knope’s with Ann Perkins — minus the underlying obsessive tones.

It became a running joke that she was my Ann Perkins and I often quoted Leslie’s nonsensical quotes to her (as well as many compliments in the same vein).

When I realized that I desperately needed a hobby, one of the first things I searched for was a Leslie-to-Ann quote to stitch for McKenzie. And thus, this stitch became a reality.

McKenzie proudly displayed this on her desk at work and it always brought me joy when I heard her tell other people about the story behind the seemingly random/weird work of art on her desk.

My Stitch Time: Roughly 14 hours

Pattern: Etsy: Clever Cross Stitch


This Is Fine


Home is where the wine is