Will there be an iOS version?

UPDATE: MAY 2, 2024

The first version was created only for Android. And its success has (and continues to) exceeded expectations. I have since acquired a Mac and I did create an iOS version and for a brief period of time, it was available on the App Store.

However, a lot has changed in four years and in mid-2023, I made the decision to pull it from the App Store.

My professional career means a great deal to me and I am currently at a company that I love. I also have a four-year old son. This means I don’t have time for Thread Stash and I don’t have the time to dedicate to an iOS app. I do not feel it would be fair for there to be a large user experience gap between Android and iOS users.

So for now, the answer still remains: No, not at this time.

But there is a web version that is accessible on iOS devices (as well as laptops, tablets, etc).


MAY 16, 2020

When I started writing Thread Stash, my expectations were not as high as I should’ve set them — I guess you can say I was “playing it safe” to keep myself from becoming disappointed. But I’ve enjoyed building out my Android app and gotten some recognition and my confidence has soared in the process!!

I have hopes of building an iOS (iPhone/iPad) app because the language/framework I’m using makes it possible…However, the challenge is that I am not a Mac or iPhone user, which makes this all the more difficult. Apple has some restrictions that make it nearly impossible for PC users, like myself, to develop an iOS app. There are some virtual Mac options that I would be open to exploring, however, I don’t know if it’s a financially viable option to pursue, at this time.

Some quick figures…

A new MacBook Pro (13-inch): ~$1300

-or- A refurbished MacBook Pro (13-inch): ~$579

-or- Virtual Mac options using MacInCloud.com: $20/month

Apple developer license: $99/year (Google’s developer license was a one-time fee of $25)

…and I would have no iPhone to test with, so all testing would be done via virtual emulators and users with iPhones who would be willing to be beta testers…..

The Android version is free. I could charge for the iOS app to help offset the cost, but that still seems like a risky investment given all the upfront costs.

So at the end of the day, the answer to the question: “Will there be an iOS version?” is “Only if there is enough demand to warrant the financial investment.”


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