Adding Project Threads (Improved)

Updates are part of Version: 2.6.1+

The goal of Thread Stash is to simplify keeping track of your threads and, in particular, which threads you need for your projects. But if you’ve been using Thread Stash for a while, you know that entering threads for project can be…well…tedious.

But not anymore —An updated experience is rolling out to let you save times and taps! Easily add threads to your project by selecting them from your Thread Box (NEW!) or by selecting a brand and adding them via the list interface!

No more manually entering which threads you need one-at-a-time!

1 - Project Threads.png
Add from Thread Box.png
Select a Brand.png

Also, you can do almost everything you need in one screen with the “Menu” icon that will let you add it to your thread box and shopping list from the project threads screen!

No More Screen Hopping!

More Options in Menu.png

Have an idea on how to simplify even more? Email


Custom Lists


Fabric Stash: Live