Fall Trees

I started a new job in June and I love it, but it requires a lot of concentration and problem solving, and while it’s not a physically demanding job, sometimes at the end of the day, I am just tired. And more times than not, I find that turning on a podcast or audiobook and picking up my needle and Aida are just the thing I need to wind down and decompress for a few minutes (or an hour or two, but who’s counting :)).

I love having a project and I especially love completing cross stitches for other people. But every so often, I find myself getting into a slump - especially when I don’t have a specific goal or project in mind. And I felt that “cross stitch slump” in August. I, personally, hate being in a slump. I’m a goal-oriented person and having a WIP just feels like part of my DNA. And when I don’t have a goal or outlet to work toward, I feel all of my stress accumulating - I don’t know how to explain it and I’m sure there’s a psychological term for it, but I don’t know what it is.

Fall Trees on Hughes Mantle

Fall Trees on Hughes Mantle


So about this stitch: At my house, we have an electric fireplace with a mantle above it. Since we moved in in 2019, we’ve had some light-up letters representing my and my husband’s initials. I swap out the decor every season or so (I tried doing it every month, but that was just too often). And I decided “Hey! I need to find a pattern that I can create for my mantle and then I’ll have something to swap out every few months! Plus, it will give me a project!”

After much Etsy searching for what I had in mind, I came across Vivsters shop and found these “seasonal” trees.


I recently completed the “Fall Trees” stitch and I’ve started the Winter trees. I’m super happy, not only with how my mantle looks, but also to have a project that has brought me out of my slump!

My Stitch Time: 19 hours

Pattern: Etsy - Vivsters

How do you get through cross stitch slumps??


My Stitch Journal


This Is Fine