Projects: Live

UPDATE: Projects went live as part of version 1.1.1 on 5/14/2020

If you’ve downloaded the app, first off: THANK YOU! This foray into mobile development has been exciting and full of many ups-and-downs, so I thank you for your support. And if you’ve tried to tap into Projects to only see the “Projects are coming soon” message, fear not! They are available for the Beta group and will be live to everyone before the weekend!

Why I’m so excited about this:

When I conceived of the idea of Thread Stash, it really revolved around the idea of exactly this narrative: “I want to start a NEW project….What do I already have??”

So how does it work?

Projects: Part One

  1. Create a project and add the threads to the project (this assumes you are following a pattern or know which threads you want to use)

  2. Projects will cross-reference your Thread Box and Shopping List to easily determine what you already have vs. what you need to buy

  3. You can easily add threads to your Shopping Cart or directly to your Thread Box all from one location in the app

  4. Track when you start and complete a project (Project statuses: Not Started, In Progress, Completed)


What else can I expect in the future

  • Tracking quantities of threads required for a project

  • Add photos and files to your project

What else would you like/expect to see from a Projects feature??

Be the first to know about new features! Join the Beta group!

To join the beta group and get access to the newest features, click “JOIN THE BETA” on the Play Store listing page

Join Beta image.png

Track how much thread you have


Growth and excitement